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Customs Filing / Goods Declaration and Custom Clearance / Logistics & Distribution / Sales Channels / Promotion


A one-stop service plan for products to enter the China market through our cross-border e-commerce platform

CPCBe's ultimate goal is strive to build an unique O2O Social Cross-Border eCommerce Supply Chain Platform, which offers a "bridge" for local and international brands to enter the China Market.

Established in April 2015, CPCBe has built strategic partnerships with many corporations, and launching a Cross-Border eCommerce platform that caters to all the various needs from small to medium online business groups. CPCBe is able to build a Cross-Border eCommerce Platform with a large market penetration equipped by their unique resources and network. In 2017, CPCBe launched an independent social distribution platform with more than a thousand of solo agents (also called as micro-sellers), creating an effective promotional network for partnering brands.  

CPCBe exploited its own system as a core service tool to fulfill the operational needs for Cross-Border eCommerce Business. Meanwhile, CPCBe is equipped with a set of Cross-Border Logistic and Customs Clearance Service, combined with our self-exploited IT technology and routing logic, to lower their logistic cost effectively and enhance their quality of delivery service. CPCBe is currently serving Cross-Border eCommerce solutions to more than 30 corporations.

Up until now, CPCBe has gradually shaped the supply chain platform. It gained an authorization from more than 50 corporations to cooperate on consignment, and offering product range from baby care/maternity to healthcare & supplements, as well as skincare products. Over 3,000 products are selling for retail and wholesale.